Is 6% a Lot for a Real Estate Agent?

Realtor Commissions Are Generally Split Between the Listing Agent and the Buyer’s Agent Based on the Home's sale price

Are you selling your home and wondering how much you should expect to pay your real estate agent in commissions? Like most people, you’ve probably heard that the standard commission real estate agents charge is 6%. But is that really a lot? Let’s look at how real estate agent commissions work and see if 6% […]

How Do I Get My House Ready To Sell in 30 Days?

If You Need Repairs or Staging Services, Most Real Estate Agents Have Contact Lists for Those and Others.

Are you looking to sell your home in the near future? Maybe you’ve already started packing your things and getting ready for a move. But have you considered what you need to do to make your home appealing to buyers? If you’re selling your house, time is of the essence. You want to get it […]

How Do I Calculate Monthly Mortgages?

Monthly Payments on a Mortgage Depend on the Loan Amount, Your Down Payment, Interest and Your Loan Terms.

Are you a first-time homebuyer wondering how to calculate your monthly mortgage payments? Don’t worry – it’s actually not as complicated as it sounds. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps to calculate your monthly mortgage payment so that you can make informed decisions about your home purchase. Keep reading to learn […]

How To Make Your Dream of Homeownership a Reality

According to a recent Harris Poll survey, 8 in 10 Americans say buying a home is a priority, and 28 million Americans actually plan to buy within the next 12 months. Homeownership provides many financial and nonfinancial benefits, so that interest is understandable.

A Smaller Home Could Be Your Best Option

Many people are reaching the point in their lives when they need to decide where they want to live when they retire. If you’re a homeowner approaching this stage, you have several options to explore. Jessica Lautz, Deputy Chief Economist and Vice President of Research at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says:

Spring into Action: Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal with Expert Guidance

To sell your home this spring, it may need more preparation than it would have a year or two ago. Today’s housing market has a different feel. There are more homes for sale than there were at this time last year, but inventory is still historically low. So, if a house has been sitting on […]

Wondering What’s Going on with Home Prices?

The recent changes in home prices are top of mind for many as the housing market begins gearing up for spring. It can be hard to navigate misleading headlines and confusing data, so here’s what you should know about today’s home prices.